
Dr. Russell Kidman Ph.D.

Dr. Kidman is a Missionary to the Military helping our King James Baptist Churches reach the Military that live around them.  He Preaches the Word of God with Power, Conviction and Compassion in Churches around the country as he and his wife travel helping Soldiers and their Families.  Brother Kidman believes that it is our duty to teach the Doctrines of Christ as found in Hebrews 6:1-2  

Brother Kidman was deployed to Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm during the Liberation of Kuwait in 1990-1991.  He was a Sergeant serving as a Fire Direction NCO and secondary Chemical Specialist for Alpha Battery 2nd Battalion 29th Field Artillery Unit.  Who was deployed as General Support Reinforcement to 42nd Brigade and 3rd Armor Division.

Brother. Kidman and his wife have a firsthand understanding of what the Soldier who is deployed and the Family who is left behind are experiencing.   Most people see the Soldier coming home but fail to realize the struggles of returning home and readjusting to civilian life and family.  This is where Brother Kidman applies his experience and knowledge of God’s Word to help our Soldiers and their Families from a Biblical perspective.