Philosophy of Education

Liberty Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary is one that supports the Biblical Christian approach to higher education without removing the student from their Local New Testament Baptist Church.

We believe that this approach provides students with the best possible programs to achieve their education, while they continue to support and build the Local Work where God has placed them. 

We seek to impart to each student communicative skills of language, and subject matter in history with God’s truth in the various programs of study.

We believe the content of Christian education must be in harmony with, Philip. 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”.

All students are required to engage in a supervised Christian service internship program. All students are required to serve their internship program under their local church and Pastor’s supervision, which will send a confidential report unless they have already experienced several years of full time Christian Service.

An enrollment fee ($30.00) and proof of education eligibility (High School transcripts, GED certificate, College transcripts, etc.) must accompany all applications.

Students usually pay their tuition in ten (10) installments due and payable on the first day of the month.

If you elect to take any two one-year, two-semester study courses at the same time, or choose to complete any two-year, four semester course in only one year, the tuition would then be doubled per month payable in ten (10) monthly installments.